Nesta to explore opportunities for social investment in IFA market
News & Thoughts

Nesta to explore opportunities for social investment in IFA market

Nesta is to test the appetite for social investment within the independent financial advisers (IFA) market, in a joint project with Worthstone, who is trying to grow IFA distribution in the social investment market.   The project, which is receiving support from Allia and Social Finance, will include a survey of the Institute of Financial […]

News & Thoughts

IFP champions study into philanthropic investment

The Institute of Financial Planning (IFP) has backed a project to examine the development of philanthropic investing in the IFA sector, as a number of leading new model advisers investigate moving into the space. Jun Merrett writes.   The IFP is encouraging its 2,000 members to take part in research led by Worthstone, which partners […]

News & Thoughts

Oxfam launches $100m fund for SMEs

OXFAM is launching an innovative small company investment fund which it hopes will demonstrate that investing in developing countries can deliver both social and financial returns. Launched in Edinburgh, the fund is among the UK’s first to be badged as “impact investing”, a sector growing rapidly in the US. Such funding overtly seeks positive social […]