News & Thoughts


Market Update: 3 ways that Worthstone is having an impact in the social investment sector 1.  PRESS RELEASE: London and Belfast planners back sustainable investment hub   2.  VIDEO: Hear one of our Founder Partners – Chris Holmes (Almus Wealth) – talk about social impact investing   3.  READ: How SITR and SIBs are opening up opportunities for IFAs to make a […]

News & Thoughts

MARKET UPDATE: Cabinet Office tell us how Brexit will impact social investment

What are some of the key figures in the social investment market saying about the unexpected result of the EU referendum? “the EU Referendum did demonstrate that big questions, built up over many decades, are present in our country….The divides that the referendum has revealed make a strong civil society even more important. We all […]

News & Thoughts

BLOG: Social Investment OR Socially Responsible Investment: what’s the difference?

The key to understanding the difference between Socially Responsible Investment / Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) and Social Investment (SI) is first to establish our meaning and understanding of the terms because it is a murky world of overlapping phrases and terminology . Figure 1. Common examples of the crossover of terminology Due to this […]

News & Thoughts

CASE STUDY: Social Enterprise RBLI (Royal British Legion Industries)

We at Worthstone strive to support and use social enterprises wherever possible and so when we needed new business cards we of course looked to find a social enterprise that could do the job. We settled on RBLI Social Enterprise, Print and Mail division. RBLI is a national charity founded nearly 100 years ago whose […]

News & Thoughts

BLOG: In brief: GIIN Annual Impact Investor Survey 2016

The Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) published their sixth Annual Impact Investor Survey Data was collected globally from 158 separate impact investing organisations and respondents included: fund managers, foundations, banks, development finance institutions, family offices, pension funds and insurance companies. Survey highlights Survey respondents committed a total of $15.2 billion to impact investments in 2015 and plan […]

News & Thoughts Social Investment Academy

BLOG: Social Investment Academy makes it into Big Society Capital’s Annual Review 2015

Big Society Capital (BSC) today published their annual review for 2015. The review reveals an impressive and encouraging picture for the nascent social investment market. Market Growth At the end of 2015, the review outlines that social investment in the UK was worth over £1.5bn and is being used by over 3,000 charities and social […]